RDF-returning web services

Bob DuCharme asked on the RDF interest list what web services are publicly available that return RDF. A summary of replies and pointers: daml.org hosted gateways for NYSE listed stocks,...

NASA agents in space

One of the more impressive papers I attended at AAMAS’04 was presented by Steve Chien on the Earth Observing One satellite mission. The agent system on EO-1 has been allowed...

Validating wsdl

I’m learning about web services, so that I can add WS- interfaces to Nuin. There is a heck of a lot to grok, more or less all-at-once, but I’m concentrating...

An alternative to Tomcat

I’ve been slowly building up my web-service knowledge by building a web-service endpoint into Nuin, using Apache Axis as the web-service tool. The Axis documentation presumes that you are using...

A little Axis tip

This article by Kevin Jones, linked from the Apache site, shows how to get Axis to return the given WSDL file for a service, rather than rely on Axis to...