RDF-returning web services
Bob DuCharme asked on the RDF interest list what web services are publicly available that return RDF. A summary of replies and pointers:
- daml.org hosted gateways for NYSE listed stocks, US zip codes and airport data
- Bitzi media catalogue returning RDF descriptions for media objects
- Semantic web search tool general web search using RQDL-like queries
- Nearest airport to a given lat/long pair
- Sunset and sunrise times based on a known lat/long location
As a nice example of reverse lookup, given that I know my nearest airport (BRS), I could determine a very approximate location for myself: latitude 51.4, longitude -2.7 …. something I probably ought to have known but didn’t!
Interestingly, the various developers of these services have provided HTTP GET interfaces to the services, but no-one has (so far) volunteered WSDL description of the services.