SIMILE Longwell 1.0 Released
The Simile folks have released Longwell, their RDF browser suite. Looks good. It’s a web application, but it’s not clear that there’s a web-services access point. Clearly, for a tool...
Web services competition
Tim Finin forwarded a link to this competition to the FIPA chat list. There are two parts to the competition: Part A is about choosing a service to invoke, based...
Kids' typing tutor
As someone who learned to “type” with two fingers, hunt-and-peck style, and then unlearn that to develop proper typing skills, I’ve always been keen that my children should learn to...
How to embed a web-service category in WSDL?
Something I’ve been wondering about, but don’t have an answer for yet. Suppose an agent or service is notified of the address of a service, or is given the service...
More RDF-returning web services
Addendum to the previous collection: Registry of Dublin Core metadata terms, which has both a REST and WSDL interface SKOS term catalogue which also has a SOAP-based interface, described in...