Passionate about research?

I don’t normally bother with the whole blog-rolling thing. There are plenty of smart people out there discovering and linking interesting things far more assiduously than me. An exception today,...

Jena tip: navigating a union or intersection class expression

One of the things I spend a lot of my time doing is answering Jena questions. Historically, the search capability at YahooGroups has been atrocious. For some time, I’ve been...

owl:minCardinality is not minUtility

The open world assumption can cause initial confusion to people trying to get to grips with the semantic web. The OWA states, in essence, that just because you don’t know...

Call for papers: AWeSOMe '05

Among other workshops, I’m on the programme committee for AWeSOMe 2005 this year: The First International Workshop on Agents, Web Services and Ontologies Merging. Can’t say I’m overly taken with...

Windows backup to DVD+RW

My main workhorse is a Linux workstation, but I have an HP Pavilion running WinXP that the kids use for games and homework. I’ve been feeling guilty that I don’t...