When the open-source model breaks down

I have a fairly simple requirement: I want to write a long technical document, using DocBook as the markup language, and I want to conveniently cite references to other publications....

Enterprise integration as a cultural collaboration problem

Sean McGrath posted an interesting article on ITWorld: ITworld.com - Mediators and mediatees - Enterprise integration as an industrial relations problem. The basic premise is that IT systems embody a...

DocBook investigation: progress update

Quick update on the DocBook investigation. I’ve tried a number of schema-aware XML editors for generating DocBook sources. Didn’t like any of them. The problem, I think, is one of...

Jena tip: namespaces and the j.0 problem

A frequently asked question we get on the Jena list is paraphrased as: “help - my output contains these weird j.0 namespaces, how do I get rid of them?”. In...

Delving into DocBook

For more years than I’m prepared to admit (even to myself … no, especially to myself) I’ve been pursuing a part-time PhD at the University of Liverpool. It has taken...