Coming up for air
Boy, it has been a busy few months. I’ve been completely buried in work, so no time to blog. Not sure that I’m any less busy now, but I think...
Whale pictures
I’ve always been a sucker for good whale pictures, and Norio Matsumoto shoots very good whale pictures. Just beautiful! Note: needs Macromedia Flash to show the slideset.
Seven deadly sins of distributed systems
A paper by Steve Muir at the Usenix Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS’04) caught my eye: The Seven Deadly Sins of Distributed Systems catalogues a number of real...
The Law of Standards applied to the semantic web?
Sean McGrath points to an interesting piece by John Sowa (he of conceptual graphs fame) on The Law of Standards. Sowa’s hypothesis is that successful standards are codifications of existing...
Most Hated Advertising Techniques
I agree with about 80% of what Jakob Neilsen says, and 100% with the latest AlertBox on the Most Hated Advertising Techniques. Should be required reading for all web advertisers...