Save the Tara complex

In 1992, I had a wonderful holiday in Ireland. The Irish are warm, welcoming people, the countryside is fantastic and they have a wealth of truly wonderful archaeological sites. Preeminent...

Upgrading to Fedora Core 7

I was forced into an emergency upgrade to FC7 this weekend. I ran my periodic ‘update everything with yum’ exercise on FC5. Clearly FC5 is somewhat behind the curve now,...

Kaspersky Kudos

I’ve just had to rebuild the Windows XP machine that the kids use for game-playing in the rec room. I backed-up the hard drive to an external USB drive using...

Jena tip: dealing with reflexive class and property iterators

Under the semantics of OWL, every class is a sub-class of itself. Let’s assume we have three classes: A, B and C. C is a sub-class of B, and B...

Semantic Technologies 2007 wrap-up

Back home now after Semantic Technologies 2007. It was a good few days, instructive on different levels. The two Jena sessions I facilitated went reasonably well from my point of...