RDF in Ruby

I’ve been meaning to have a play with Ruby for a while now, and I have a project in mind that a dynamic language would be perfectly suited for. The...

Semantic Technologies Jena Tutorial: source code

At the Jena tutorial I gave at Semantic Technologies 2007, I promised to make the tutorial source code available on my web site. My plan was to spend a little...

When collaborative filtering goes bad

Amazon, bless them, have let their CF algorithms get a bit wayward recently. I just received this missive: Hello, Ian Dickinson, We’ve noticed that customers who have purchased or rated...

Subversive 1.1.3 update for Eclipse on Linux

I prefer Polarion’s SVN plugin for Eclipse to the default. It’s always one of the first things I install when I upgrade or reinstall Eclipse. The auto-update feature notified me...

Jena tutorial on DevX

I should have blogged this at the time, but DevX recently published a Jena tutorial article I wrote for them. Specifically, it focuses on Jena’s Model abstraction, including the commonly...