Google gdata library and maven
Despite a number of requests from a variety of users, there are as-yet no official maven versions of Google’s gdata client Java library. There are various scripts to push the...
British English Thesaurus for OpenOffice 3.x
OpenOffice 3.x on Ubuntu doesn’t come with a thesaurus for British English (en-gb), which is irritating. Google shows lots of recipes for faking a British thesaurus using the installed thesaurus...
Great article: learning from hostage negotiators
Really interesting article on Boxes and arrows: what design researchers can learn from hostage negotiators. I’ve used something akin to the coach role in user-studies that I have conducted in...
Moving along
Friday October 30th was my last working day at HPLabs after 20+ years with HP, most of that in the research labs. I’m not going to introspect too much on...
ISWC research track - raw notes 4
Lifting events in RDF from interactions with annotated web pages - Stuhmer et al Want to model complex events - multiple mouse clicks. Use case: online advertisement. Contextual advertisement, behavioural...