Jena tip: using resources from different models

This question has been asked on the Jena support list a few times recently, so I guess it would be handy to have an answer that Google can find easily....

Jena tip: ont model specs

I was asked a question on jena-dev that I think bears repeating, since it’s fairly frequently asked. so, my question is, in the case where we need inference capability, if...

Off to AAMAS

Tomorrow I’ll be attending two days of workshops at AAMAS. Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management on Monday, Service Oriented Computing and Agent-Based Engineering on Tuesday. Sadly I can’t stay for the main...

Java Universal Network/Graph Framework

Christoph Kiefer mentioned on jena-dev a Java graph layout package I’ve not come across before: JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework. The example screenshots look pretty good and the jws...

FAQ: ontologies in business

A colleague (thanks Dave!) spotted a rather nicely done FAQ on ontologies in a business context. Not sure that I agree with everything it says, but at least it tries...