JPackage - solving missing jakarta-commons-transaction

I use the excellent JPackage to get RPM’s of the Java libraries I use whenever possible. Together with yum, it’s a very easy way of making sure I have all...

Fixing non-UTF8 characters in file names

I have ripped some of the CD’s I own to mp3 files, which I play on both Linux and Windows. It happens that many of the artists I like (such...

Virtual presence at ISWC

I couldn’t attend ISWC this year (though there are quite a few people from our group going). Among the many interesting things happening at the conference is the Semantic Desktop...

On design

I always enjoy it when I have the chance to work with designers. Just now we’re working on a small-but-fun collaboration to design a new logo and poster for the...

Announcing: jena-announce

We’ve added an RSS feed for Jena news: the new Jena announce blog.