SemTech conference session notes: semantic SOA

Notes from Semantic SOA: Aligning IT with Business Operations, Larry Lafferty. SSOA - consortium of companies to provide a semantic services framework. Autogeneration of forms from soa interfaces. Integrates various vendor components: Siderean, AgentLogic (event distribution), Kapow (“mash-up service”), ISL, SoftPro CommandLink … (I missed some).

Claimed an insight that workflows should include human interaction, rather than be just machine based. Built two demos: pilot recovery planning for downed plane, and information fusion for identifying suspicious activity in shipping. Some of the info for the info fusion demo comes from Google and Wikipedia!

Only partial semantic descriptions of services to date. Need a process editor for end-users to create their own workflows. How well can users really cope with the complexity of real workflows?

Question from the audience: you described this talk as being about Semantic SOA, but you didn’t talk about OWL-S, SAWSDL, … , etc. Can you talk about those now? Answer: no I can’t, sorry.

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