Which sci-fi crew?

From Richard’s blog, I discovered the which sci-fi crew would you fit in with? quiz. My results:

Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 94%
Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 81%
Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 75%
Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 69%
Moya (Farscape) 69%
Enterprise D (Star Trek) 69%
Serenity (Firefly) 69%
Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 63%
FBI’s X-Files Division (The X-Files) 63%
Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 63%
SG-1 (Stargate) 56%
Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 31%

Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in? (pics) created with QuizFarm.com

Very different results to Richard’s. I know Richard, and I wouldn’t said we were that different - I wonder what the key factors were? Fun stuff anyway. Makes me think I should some day get around to watching Bab5 all the way through - I’ve seen about three episodes in my life. It must be available on DVD by now.

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