Fixing yum

I have two Fedora Core 3 systems, one in the office and one at home. Yum always works very smoothly on my home system, but at work I’m frequently bugged with:

\[Errno -1\] Metadata file does not match checksum

leading to

\[Errno 256\] No more mirrors to try

Googling around, this seems to be a caching issue. Various HTTP caches (on our network or between us and the backbone, I’m not sure) are caching either the metadata or the checksum file, leading to a mismatch. I’ve tried various suggested solutions for this, with no success so far. However, my colleague Steve Pearson suggested a fix which works in our office, since we have a SOCKS proxy available. I simply:

The reasoning is that the SOCKS protocol doesn’t, I’m told, use any caches. Anyway, it works for me and hopefully may be of some use to other people faced with the same problem.

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